Ataxia Connection hosts monthly Support Group Activities which include Support Group Meetings and Social Events. The organization also hosts Fundraising Events throughout the year.

Support Group Meetings – During each Ataxia Connection support group meeting, an outside expert educates the group on a topic of interest to our members. Ataxians and care partners then divide into two groups to discuss the issues and emotions at the forefront of their day with the assistance of certified mental health therapists. Ataxia Connection’s support group meets on the third Saturday of every other month.

To join virtually via Zoom if you cannot attend in person, email info@ataxiaconnection at least 48 hours in advance for the link.

Social Events –  Those with Ataxia and their caregivers often feel isolated. To counter that, Ataxia Connection has social events on the third Saturday during months the support group does not meet.

Although all events are planned and scheduled in advance, they may be subject to change

Ataxia Connection Fundraising Events –  The fundraising events provide a fun way for the community to financially support Ataxia Connection’s mission to help those affected by Ataxia through direct assistance, community and professional education and awareness, support for care partners, and funding for medical therapies, equipment, and research. Opportunities to attend, donate, or volunteer are available for each event. Our signature fundraising events include:

  • The Gala
  • Golf Challenge
  • Trivia Night
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Join us for lunch!  The holidays can get very busy, so let’s take the opportunity to get together, have lunch and enjoy each other’s company. 

Location: Beacon Hills in Aksarben Village, 6750 Mercy Rd, Omaha, NE 68106

Time: 11am to 1pm

RSVPs are required for those attending, email no later than Monday, November 13, 2023.